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February 8, 2010
Tri-Board Meeting
Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      Philip Trapani, Chairman; Evan O’Reilly; Gary Fowler; Stephen Smith, Clerk; C. David Surface

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Interim Town Administrator; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant;

Call to Order
Mr. Trapani called the meeting to order at 7:07PM.

Tri-Board Meeting
Finance & Advisory Board Present:  Robin O’Malley, Andy Belliveau,
School Committee Present: Anne Donahue; Anne Blythe; David Bjork; Eric Zadina; Carol Jacobs, Superintendent; Terry Wiggin, School Finance Director
Town Moderator: Beverly Enos

Anne Donahue opened the School Committee Meeting

Mr. Trapani stated that we are now in the budget season and after receiving figures from the State we are not were we would like to be.  

Anne Donahue explained that they are building the budget on net school spending and she gave dates of meetings were they will discuss the school budget.  She stated that the Schools go before the FinCom on March 17.  

Mr. Smith asked the difference between foundation and net school spending.  Ms. Jacobs explained the difference and explained the handout.  Mr. Surface asked about stimulus funds and how the funds are able to be used.  Mr. Wiggin explained how they can be used.  

Mr. Trapani asked why the foundation went up by $1mil.  Mr. Wiggin stated because last year they started full day kindergarten and had increased students.  

Mr. Wiggin explained school budget projections and that they can look forward as the union contracts go to 2012.  

Net School Spending
Ms. Jacobs stated that the School budget is built on zero based budgeting.  She stated that they meet the actual legal requirements for School spending.   Discussion on Net School spending.  Mr. Surface stated that the School budget is 51 % to 53 % of the Town Budget.  He asked what are other Towns of similar size spending.  Mr. Wiggin stated that he did not have these numbers.  Mr. Trapani asked about the stimulus funds.  Ms. Jacobs explained the use of these funds and that they are dependant on State Funds.  She stated if they do not receive the stimulus funds in March as told then in the fourth quarter they will have to make cuts.  She stated that many communities have an agreement on how Chapter 70 funds are spent.  Mr. Trapani asked if they want a formal agreement on what the town provides but is not included in net school spending.  Mr. Wiggin stated that most communities have this agreement.  Mr. Jacobs stated that some items in the agreement would include payroll and Highway plowing.  Mr. Wiggin stated that 80% of towns have this agreement.  Mr. Trapani stated that in the business world they would not touch anything without a contract.  He asked if the School Committee are looking into the agreements.  Robin O’Malley stated that the FinCom is in favor of agreements and a few years ago it was talked about but never went forward.

Funding Cliff
Mr. Trapani asked if we can borrow to cover the stimulus funds until they arrive.  Mr. Wiggin stated that this is a possibility and is allowed.  Mr. Farrell stated that the Treasurer was working on this in the December but they stopped and would have to research this again.  Mr. O’Reilly asked about Free Cash and if we can use these funds. Mr. Wiggin stated would need Town Meeting vote to use Free Cash.  

Mr. Surface stated that Senator Tierney would be in Georgetown on Wednesday, February 17th and he would ask him for more information on the stimulus funds.  Mr. Farrell stated that if there are employees cut then Unemployment cost will be an issue.  Mr. Trapani asked Mr. Farrell to research borrowing and costs.  She explained circuit breaker and what they did with their budget.  She explained Special Ed costs and that the State changed the formula, and that grants are being cut back.  She stated that school choice is a problem as it does not cover the cost of each student.  

Mr. Trapani asked about the full day kindergarten and cost.  Ms. Jacobs explained what happened with the addition of full day kindergarten.  

Mr. Surface asked about the stimulus funds and how the funds will be used.  Ms. Jacobs explained how the funds will be used for FY10 & FY11.  She stated that with these funds they are able to keep what programs we have.  She stated that they are looking at a multi year budget.   Ms. Jacobs gave out copies of letters sent to the State House by some parents.  These letters show that this is a town issue.  Mr. Blythe stated that in FY11 they have $13.5 mil in net school spending.  Mr. Smith asked where these funds come from.  She explained that the State brings town to foundation and town brings to net school spending.  Mr. Trapani stated that Chapter 70 funds go to the General Fund and asked that in how many towns the Schools get 100% of these funds.  

Ms. Jacobs discussed per pupil spending and went over the handout.  Mr. Trapani stated that he would like to see performance to school spending.  Mr. Jacobs stated that the school Capitol needs are significant, Pennbrook project, and special education.  She stated that they are working with a business generating coordinator.  Mr. Wiggin stated that they are working with Mr. Farrell on consolidation of resources.

Ms. O’Malley stated that Senator Tarr and Representative L’Italien have stated that the Governors budget is not what he has stated and this is a concern.

Tri-Board meeting adjourned.

Mr. Trapani stated that there is a warrant to be signed.

Board Business
Culvert documents
Mr. Farrell stated that the Highway Department has culvert documents to be signed by the board.  He explained that town counsel has reviewed the documents and that they just need to be signed.  Board signed the documents.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the minutes of January 11 & 25, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. Trapani abstained.

Mr. Trapani stated that they have received the resignation of Virginia Ryder from the CoA.  He thanked her for her years of service to the town.

Erie Four Lease Agreement
Mr. Trapani stated that they have the final agreement to vote on this evening.  Mr. Smith stated that it has been a great process.

Mr. Surface moved to accept the Erie Four Fire Company Lease Agreement as presented.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 4-0 vote.  Mr. O’Reilly abstained.

Town Administrator Report
Rock Pond Restaurant
Mr. Farrell stated that the electricity has been turned off and owners were given proper notice.  He stated that the Water Dept was going to turn off the water today but had some mechanical issues and will have off by the end of the week.  

Lease Agreement for CoA Van
Mr. Farrell stated that K & P represent both Georgetown and MVRTA and this has caused an issue for K & P to review the lease.  He stated that the lease is for a $1 and a simple lease.  He asked that the Board sign and authorize the lease with MVRTA.

Mr. O’Reilly moved that the Town authorize the lease agreement with MVRTA for a CoA Van for $1.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Rock Pond Restaurant
Mr. Surface asked if they can suspend the Rock Pond Restaurant Liquor License.  Mr. Farrell stated that they would have to have a hearing and the board could make a finding and revoke the license.  Mr. Trapani stated that they have to make sure we follow the correct process.  

Mr. Farrell stated that he has met with departments and has been meeting with the FinCom.  He stated that the town does not know how much revenue we will be getting. He stated that the next step is to have a Capital Plan and send this to the CIP so they will know what they need to do.

Mr. Trapani asked if members could attend FinCom meetings if available.

Mr. Trapani stated that there will be a Government Study meeting tomorrow evening.

Library Trustee
Mr. O’Reilly asked if Mr. Chorzewski is interested in running in the May election to fill the unexpired term.  Mr. Trapani stated that he did not know if Mr. Chorzewski would run for the position but he has requested to fill the term until the election.

Mr. Surface moved to appoint Ron Chorzewski as a Library Trustee to fill the unexpired term until May 10, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Surface updated the board on the Affordable Housing Trust.  He stated that they are making good progress.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to adjourn.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.

Approved March 8, 2010.